Product Solution

Connected Food

My Role
UX Architect
August 2021 - December 2021

Connected Food

Powered by Connected Platform

The Connected Food solution, powered by Insight Connected Platform is a solution that provides automated temperature and humidity monitoring with real-time alerts, helps simplify food safety compliance and ensures consistent quality while assisting the reduction of food waste. The solution acts as a centralized hub where the platform ingests, visualizes and triggers events from temperature and humidity sensors to reliably gather insights and provide timely, actionable alerts.  

This solution was previously a part of the larger Connected Platform solution by Insight. After realizing its potential in scalability, it would be its own solution. I was brought on as a UX Architect to help realize the new information architecture and assist with improving the usability of the solution.

Along with the UX Researcher on the team, we ideated on a new IA after breaking up the personas based on type of business and their specific role. We focused on the personas of grocery stores.

Previous Information Architecture for Connected Food

Current Information Architecture for Connected Food

After the IA phase, it was time to create the wireframes prototypes. These prototypes were then used to test our users to validate our findings from the stakeholder and user interviews. Final phase was to apply the visual designs. I exported all of the visual designs to create the official the design system for Connected Food and in doing so, I also applied governance to the components to ensure consistency and branding.

Some high-level Items we validated in user testing:

Overall Navigation

Questions answered

1. Is the taxonomy correct?  Does the proposed navigation make sense to the user and can they find what they need?

Test Method

UserTesting - Open card sort

2. Does the proposed navigation make sense to the user and can they find what they need?

Test Method

UserTesting - Treejack

Overall Hierarchy

Questions answered

Do the groupings in the app make sense to the user? Does the data chunking in the app feel intuitive?

Test Method

UserTesting - Task-based tests (short tasks)

Overall Flow

Questions answered

Is the user finding what they need in the right spots?  Does the app feel natural and easy-to-navigate?

Are there any potential spots where they get stuck? Are any labels in the app that could be confusing to a user?

Test Method

UserTesting - Moderated Task-based test

Administrator Persona

These screens apply to those who oversee multiple grocery story locations within the company. Based on the findings collected from user interviews, it was discovered that the administrator role finds value in being able to view the overall status of each of their assigned locations at-a-glance. This allows the administrator to drill down to a specific location if needed. Their role required keeping track of all locations, applying rule configurations for devices and appliances at those location. This feature was added for the administrator to set the proper thresholds for the appliances to be inherited by each location, from there, the user/store manager will override the inherent threshold with whatever adheres to local health department regulations. The administrator keeps track of individual locations, the users assigned to each location and are responsible for setting rules for devices and appliances from a company-wide level. This role is the gatekeeper for that as well as authorizing users and administrators.

High-fidelity wireframe of the Insight page - listing all locations and their active alerts

Final look of the Insights page after visual design is applied - listing all locations and their active alerts

High-fidelity wireframe of the Locations page - listing all locations and their contact information


Final look of the Locations page - listing all locations and their contact information

High-fidelity wireframe of the People page - listing all authorized users and their contact information

Final look of the People page - listing all authorized users and their contact information

High-fidelity wireframe of the Rules page - listing all rules or specific appliances

Final look of the Rules page - listing all rules or specific appliances

User Persona

These screens apply to those who oversee a specific grocery store location within the company. Based on the findings collected from user interviews, it was discovered that the user role finds value in being able to monitor alerts, diagnose and troubleshoot any alerts. The user can focus on alerts, create reports for compliance and keep history of all appliances. The administrator keeps track of individual locations, the users assigned to each location and are responsible for setting rules for devices and appliances from a company-wide level.

High-fidelity wireframe of the My Store page - listing all departments and their active alerts

Final look of the My Store page - listing all departments and their active alerts with the added secondary navigation

High-fidelity wireframe of the Alerts page for the Deli Department with the first alert selected

Final look of the Alerts page for the Deli Department with the first alert selected

High-fidelity wireframe of the Appliances page for the Deli Department with the first appliance selected
Final look of the Appliances page for the Deli Department with the first appliance selected
High-fidelity wireframe of the Compliance page for the Deli Department with the March 2021 report selected
Final look of the Compliance page for the Deli Department with the March 2021 report selected
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