Web App


My Role
UX Designer
Front-End Developer
UI Developer
UX Architect
January 2020 - December 2022

InMotion Web App: A Change Management Tool

InMotion is an internal Organizational Change Management (OCM) tool intended to assist consultants in managing their clients' initiatives in a central and user friendly location. The main objective of this project was to turn a sophisticated excel document into an app which enables the following:

- Measuring OCM maturity within a portfolio of change initiatives.

- Pinpointing knowledge areas where training & coaching yields the best ROI.

- Tracking maturity improvement over time.

The previous version of the OCM Scorecard

OCM Scorecard to "InMotion"

As a consultant at Insight, the Transformation Services Team within the company requested a way to turn the OCM Scoreboard into a user friendly solution. This solution allows the team the ability to properly manage their project initiatives by providing data visualization to monitor the health and progress of each initiative, track trends, show assessment outcomes and record user comments. The team now is abled to drill down into a specific initiative and its assessments.

The pain point of the OCM Scorecard was not a scalable solution.

After conducting stakeholder and user interviews, personas were created to chart the user flow and build a seamless experience and allow for the team to manage their clients on a more reliable and secure platform. The company's end goal of this project is to market commercially to businesses if they choose to manage their own portfolio.

  1. Empathize: I researched the users' needs by deep diving the previous solution to understand the challenges while also retaining parts of the solution that worked best. I interviewed the stakeholders and users as well.
  2. Define: Consolidated all the user data from the empathize stage to analyze. Created personas and their user journeys during this stage.
  3. Ideate & Prototype: During ideation and after gathering user data, creating personas, creating a web app provided the best solution for the user. Work began on wireframes and prototypes.

After designs were approved and ready for refinement, I broke up the components and created a design system. Using InVision's DSM, I imported the symbols from the sketch files used to create the prototypes. I then applied any governance required to ensure that the components were being used correctly and effectively. After front-end development, code snippets will be added.

Created during the Ideate & Prototype phase


As of April 2022, development is still in progress. Once the designs were finalized, work was broken up into features and then refined. I began work on the front-end development. I paired up with a back-end developer to work together on integration. InMotion is developed using Blazor framework. My role during development is developing the UI components with HTML and CSS within the Blazor framework. Bootstrap was also utilized. Code snippets from the project's CSS was added to the design system for InMotion.

“I really think we are on our way to building a best-in-class tool that will better help us and our clients enable better adoption and sustainment, resulting in accelerated value and ROI. Several teammates reached out afterwards to find out when we are going live. Everyone is chomping at the bits to sell it and try it!”  -- InMotion stakeholder

Client List Page

Client Summary Page

Client's Change Initiative Summary Page

Change Initiative Assessment Form
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